5 Ways to Unleash Land Productivity – Part 1

Part 1 – Overcoming Barriers to Accurate Acreage Reporting

As your team plans the next round of drilling, a clear and up-to-date understanding of acreage positions is critical.  But chances are, important decisions about where and when to drill are delayed as your land department scrambles to prepare the requisite reporting and data.  Land admins and analysts struggle everyday with outdated, legacy land management solutions (the usual suspects, the status quo), software that is often decades old and has failed to keep pace with the modern needs of the land department.  The result is all too often inaccurate acreage reporting, delays in land workflows, and bottlenecks to productivity.

We’re kicking off our “5 Ways to Unleash Land Productivity” blog series about top risks of legacy land management software and the daily challenges that manifest for land professionals.  First up – the land reporting dilemma and W Energy Software’s answer to the problem. Then stay tuned each week as we delve into the other topics in our series covering data integrity, chain of title, automating land workflows, and integrating land and division order.

The information land managers need to understand a foothold in an area hinges on your land record management technology.  Persistently though, the rigid constraints and hard coded nature of legacy land software forces admins to input lease data into database fields that don’t relate to that data type or omit them all together because the fields are not available.  Trying to fit a square peg into a round hole or simply holding the peg because there is no hole makes finding that piece of information later a true headache. 

Want to customize land data entry to your business needs?  You’ll need to submit a change request to your legacy software vendor, then wait weeks or longer, followed by an invoice.  And at the end of the day, you still have a brittle land system that costs your team significant time and money to maintain.

With W Energy Software, land data entry is flexible and customizable.  Land admins are no longer forced to fit data into generic fields or calculate acreage in separate reporting tools.  Our modern, cloud-based technology makes it easy to customize input screens to capture and calculate effortlessly, ultimately making the task of finding complex land and legal information straight forward and efficient.

Land Reporting Bottleneck

Legacy land management solutions are archaic in two ways that create a serious bottleneck to reporting and productivity.  First, these systems are built with little thought to user experience, resulting in clunky user interfaces and cumbersome reporting.  Second, legacy land software is built on outmoded server software and end-user licensing, making it expensive to add users, thus restricting who can directly access mission critical land data and records.  In such cases, land departments ultimately rely on a small group of people to build, quality control, and distribute reports to land managers and landmen. It’s inefficient and delays timely analysis, leaving your team to fall back on outdated or incomplete information.

W Energy Software provides your entire team with self-service access to the land information they need, when they need it.  Because our land management tools are built on the cloud, an unlimited number of users are supported, enabling everyone who should be involved in land workflows to get directly involved.  Our user-friendly interfaces and grid view make finding, sorting and filtering your lease records simple and fast. Results can easily be exported to Excel for further analysis. And because W Energy Software runs in your web browser, customized grid views and acreage reporting can easily be shared with coworkers by copying the report’s URL.

Customizable inputs, self-service reporting, accurate and open access to land information – can you say that about your current land solution?  Time to upgrade to W Energy Software.

Read Part II of this series now by clicking here.

Kelsi Flores spent over 11 years in Land Administration with XTO Energy, a subsidiary of EXXON Mobil before she joined W Energy Software. She is a Certified Division Order Analyst and past president of her local chapter. Over the last year and a half, she has worked tirelessly with land departments at E&P companies to create a best-in-class land solution for the industry. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, reading, and spending time with her husband and 2 daughters, ages 2 and 6.